How to use CHANGE NOTIFICATION Callback in .net application
1. You must give Grant permission on to your tables as shown below
grant change notification to database name
2. You have to registered your select query into database using your .net application as show below
below is code to register query
Public Sub ChangeNotification()
Dim sql As String = "select firstname, lastname from person”
Dim constr As String = My.Settings.sConnectionString
Dim con As New OracleConnection(constr)
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand(sql, con)
Dim dep As New OracleDependency(cmd)
AddHandler dep.OnChange, AddressOf OnDatabaseNotification
While notificationReceived = False
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for notification...")
End While
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...")
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
below is code to when data is updated or changed oracle database calls this event in your application
Public Sub OnDatabaseNotification(ByVal src As Object, ByVal args As OracleNotificationEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine("Database Change Notification received!")
Dim changeDetails As DataTable = args.Details
Console.WriteLine("Resource {0} has changed.", changeDetails.Rows(0)("ResourceName"))
notificationReceived = True
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
3. run this application and change/update your table information see this event called from oracle database
Enjoy !